Things to do with your stockpile (Part One)

Sometimes it’s hard to pass up a good deal, especially if you are able to get it free or cheap. What if you don’t have a baby, or a cat, but yet you can get baby wipes and kitty litter free? Some of the pro couponers get more things than they know what to do with, so this will help everyone with ideas on what to do when you end up with more products than you can use. There are many different ways you can use these items and many other products, even if you don’t have a baby or … Continue reading

Stockpile These Foods Now

From natural disasters to financial crisis to food scarcity, it is important that you are prepared to provide your family with good, nutritious food. Stocking up on non-perishable food is one way to take care of your family. One interesting thing that not too many people think about is the fact that in an emergency, you will probably be eating more than usual. This is because it is likely that your body will be expending extra energy. You’ll want the calories. Don’t forget about fiber too, to keep your body running well. While you still want to be able to … Continue reading

The Different Ways to Stockpile Food

One of the main ways that we can be prepared is to stockpile a good food supply for ourselves and our families. Having enough food, should an unexpected crisis occur, is very important. Food is one of the necessities, and being well nourished can make the difference between staying healthy and succumbing to illness or disease. Stockpiling food can be helpful not only in a natural crisis or a man-made one but also in times of a financial crisis, either personal or global. If the cost of food goes up to high for most people to afford, or if it … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for August 20th-26th, 2007

As summer is slowly drawing to a close and school is finally back in session for most children including the homeschooling families, it is the perfect time to take a look at your frugal habits. Evaluate what is going well for your family, and what might not actually be working. Some things you cannot save money on year-round. Some seasons are better than others for certain savings. Just evaluate where you are and look forward into new ways and methods to save money. Look what great ways we showed you how to save money in the frugal living blog this … Continue reading