Organize Your Stockpile by Becoming a Shelf Life Expert

I’m always on the look out for good stock up opportunities. When something goes on sale, can be “purchased” for free with coupons, or is on a deep clearance, I instantly calculate how much of that item should come home with me. It is important to know how much, logically, you should stockpile of a particular item or category of items. For example: how many jars of peanut butter should be in your pantry  right now until the next great low price? How many boxes of pasta, packages of toilet paper or bottles of shampoo? it all depends on the … Continue reading

Organizing Your Stockpile

Once your stockpile starts growing, it’s important to keep it organized so you can easily keep track of inventory and expiration dates. Whether you live in an apartment building or condominium, or live in a nice big house, there is always room to stockpile. I hope this will give you some ideas to store and organize your stockpile. You can store your stockpile in your attic, basement or garage. Here are a few examples of the ways you can store and organize your stockpile items. Wooden shelves are easy to install and are a very nice way to store things. … Continue reading

What is a stockpile and why is it so important?

For most families, the grocery bill is one of the highest bills they have. Some people spend as much on groceries as much as they do on their car or house payment. Now, just imagine how much you could chop off your grocery bill every week if you only had to buy staples. Imagine feeling secure if money became tight and having enough food in your house to the point where you didn’t need to worry about groceries or any other household items. Imagine if you ran out of something and only had to go a few feet to get … Continue reading

How Long Will Your Food Last

Storing food and stockpiling is a great idea for being prepared. One issue that can arise is how long is it before food expires? How long do canned goods last, and how long can you store your staples? I came across this dilemma just two days ago when I went through my pantry to rotate some food, having a plan to use up some older items in meals in order to add some new ones and keep everything fresh. I came across ajar of salsa. It contained no expiration date to guide me, and I hadn’t marked one on the … Continue reading

How to Stock up at Yard Sales

Yard sales are great opportunities to find the things you need. You can go one step further and stock up on things that you will need in the near future. Here is a basic guide on what to look for at yard sales for your stockpile. Small appliances If you spot small appliances that are new or like new in a yard sale then consider purchasing a spare for something that you already have but use frequently. For example, I tend to use up an iron about every two years. I use it that often. I’d rather pay $2 or … Continue reading

Shop at Home to Save: The Sources

So, now that we are done talking about shopping from home, you may be wondering how on earth I had enough toothpaste to last for years or where I got all of that laundry detergent. Whether you are interested out of curiosity or are looking to get some tips on having free or nearly free products, it should be an interesting read. Here are my sources for all of the shop at home products we have around the house. Toothpaste Toothpaste manufacturers have started to place expiration dates on the tubes, although this is a relatively recent practice. A very … Continue reading

Three Ways an Organized Pantry Saves Money

One of the great pitfalls of frugal grocery shopping and stockpiling can be an unorganized pantry. Unfortunately, a pantry that suffers from disorganization can wind up costing your money instead of saving it. Here are three ways why it pays to take the time to organize your food. The biggest cost to your food budget can be food that expires or goes stale before you can use it. When this is the case, it doesn’t matter that you only spent 50 cents on a jar of pasta sauce if you never use it. One recent study suggests that Americans throw … Continue reading

Don’t Waste Money on Expired Products!

Saturday afternoon, we had a long overdue trip to the local warehouse store for our bulk purchases. Among the items that we bought was bulk yeast, since I make a lot of bread from scratch. The yeast comes in two cakes, and a cake can last me for the good part of a year. I freeze one cake and keep the other one in an airtight container at the back of the fridge. My yeast has always been good yeast, happily chomping away at the sugar and starches in the dough and giving me nice airy loafs. Well, unfortunately for … Continue reading

Food Storage, Edible and Cheap

When we think of following the counsel our leaders have given us for food storage, we envision ourselves heading over to the cannery, picking up some beans and wheat, and throwing it into our garage or basement. If we are technologically savvy, maybe we order our supplies off the Internet and have it shipped straight to our door. The downside to this mentality is twofold; first, purchasing all of our food storage at once can be costly, which can be difficult for a young family just starting out (or one several years and several kids along), and second, most of … Continue reading