Treating Urinary Tract Infections in Children

Urinary tract infections are miserable.  As someone who suffers from urinary tract infections and have allergies to antibiotics, I know the struggle and the solutions.  However, it is always very important that you seek medical attention if you suspect your child has an infection.  Follow your doctor’s advice and do not use treatments mentioned in lieu of prescribed medication. Due to my allergies to antibiotics, I have learned to use natural remedies on the onset of an infection. The moment I feel a twinge of a problem I begin treatment.  It is important to catch it before a full blown … Continue reading

Preschool Health: Constipation in Small Children

Constipation is uncomfortable and often painful. It is hard to watch your child struggle with bowel issues due to how miserable it can make one feel. The best way to alleviate constipation is to avoid it. However, kids have a mind of their own and controlling when they go potty can lead to constipation issues. Parents need to be aware of the causes, treatments and preventative measures to keep their child healthy. Thankfully, the treatments and remedies are not harsh and normally natural means are effective. If you suspect an underlying problem or if your child is having an especially … Continue reading

Teachers and Urinary Tract Infections

Teachers have a job that keeps them very busy throughout the day. Children, especially young children, cannot be left alone for any significant amount of time. Teachers usually get two breaks during the day. One break is for lunch and the other break is a planning period. Other than those two breaks, the teachers are typically left alone in the room to teach and care for the students. Because a teacher’s day is so busy and hectic, teachers are usually not aware of their own personal needs. For example, teachers often eat quicker and drink less than those employees who … Continue reading

Beware of Bath Time Dangers!

New parents need to learn how to properly bathe their babies. Bathing a toddler requires a different set of skills. The goal, of course, is to make sure your little one is clean and comfortable. There are some bath time dangers that parents need to be aware of. Bath Toys and Bacteria That cute little rubber ducky that your baby or toddler loves to play with in the bathtub could be full of bacteria. A study published in Biofilms and Microbiomes found that bath toys are colonized by dense biofilms with complex bacterial and fungal communities. It’s not just rubber … Continue reading

Help for Families in the “Diaper Gap”

Families with newborns quickly learn that diapers are expensive. Many families struggle to be able to afford enough diapers for their babies. This leads to difficult choices like whether to spend money on food, diapers, or utility bills. The Obama administration has a plan that utilizes technology to help solve this problem. Nearly one in three Americans cannot afford to purchase enough diapers for their babies. In some cases, parents cope by stretching the length of time between diaper changes. This can lead to serious health problems for babies and parents. Babies can end up with urinary tract or staph … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: January 12 – January 18

The mornings on the school bus are now very cold. The coats, gloves, and hats fill the classroom. However, the news in education continues to be hot. Check out below for topics from this week. Sunday, January 13 Helping Children in Need In this article I discussed how many organizations help children during the holiday months. However, I am proud that a local organization sends food home with my school’s needy students every Friday. School for Special Needs Adults Opens Business We are all very aware that some children have special needs. In elementary school we do all that we … Continue reading

UTI Risk Factors

In general, women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men are. This is because the urethra — the tube that runs from the bladder to the outside of the body — is much shorter in women than in men. Also, a woman’s urethra is closer to the anus, increasing the chance that bacteria from the colon can end up in the urinary tract. This doesn’t mean a man can’t have a urinary tract infection! A urinary tract infection in a man is often a sign of an underlying problem — the infection may have migrated from the prostate … Continue reading

Power Foods: Cranberries are more than a Holiday Treat

A researcher at Rutgers University has identified cranberries as one of the key foods that provides great health benefits. Cranberries, a traditional holiday food, are chock full of antioxidants. Antioxidants are key in the protection of your body’s cells against free radicals. The National Institutes of Health research into the cranberry’s effect on the body includes research into yeast infections, heart disease, viral infections, stroke, cancer and more. According to their studies, they have discovered that: Drinking cranberry juice helps block urinary tract infections by binding up bacteria to prevent it’s ability to adhere to cell walls A compound inside … Continue reading

The Circumcision Debate

Circumcision was once a routine and unquestioned part of having a baby boy. It is now a hotly debated topic with people firmly entrenched on either side of the debate. For some families, religion dictates whether or not the child will be circumcised. Other families have no religious reason for the procedure. This is known as routine infant circumcision. Whether or not there is a religious reason for circumcising an infant, many parents still have firm convictions, either in favor or against the procedure. It can be very difficult to find information that is not biased one way or the … Continue reading

Discomforts in the First Trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is an exciting time. During this time, your baby will go from a single cell to a fully formed, but tiny baby. By 12 weeks, all major organs and body parts are formed. Your body is adjusting to these changes as well. For this reason, you may experience some common discomforts of early pregnancy. Morning Sickness Many women experience morning sickness in early pregnancy. This is the result of your changing hormones. Some experience nausea in the morning, while others will experience it all day long, or only in the evening. To ease your discomfort, … Continue reading