Study: Women Freeze their Eggs to Avoid “Panic Parenting”

There are many reasons why women would choose to freeze their eggs. A study revealed a new reason why single women choose to freeze their eggs for non-medical reasons. These women are trying to avoid “panic parenting”. “Panic parenting” is described as: entering an unwise and/or unwanted relationship with a partner the woman is not enthusiastic about in order to have a genetically related child. The study was done by Dr. Kyle Baldwin and Professor Lorraine Cully at the Center for Reproduction Research at De Montfort University. They interviewed 31 women who had frozen their eggs for “social reasons”. (In … Continue reading

Weird Things You Can Freeze

                            I grew up with a grandma who have a very impressive pantry. Her canning collection was enormous, although sometimes digging into it felt like an archaeological investigation. Her freezer stash was equally impressive. Little containers labelled with dates and contents: would that I were so organized. But what was most impressive was the weird things she liked to freeze. Her freezer wasn’t just full of berries – it was also full of all sorts of oddball items that would make you raise your eyebrows. In the … Continue reading

Get Ready For Baby – Fill Up That Freezer

As you near the end of your pregnancy, you have probably been thinking a lot about whether you have everything on hand that you will need once your baby comes home. Clothing, diapers, and other baby essentials are important and it is good that you have thought about what kinds of things you want to have at home in advance of baby’s arrival. There is one thing that many people may not think about, though. When you come home with a newborn baby, neither you nor your spouse or partner is likely to feel like cooking anything for the first … Continue reading

The Great Freezer Shut Down

Shutting down our freezer has led to some pretty interesting meals and decisions this week. My husband brought up a tub of his favorite rocky road ice cream from the basement freezer and was getting ready to enjoy a late night treat. I opened up the tub (maybe if I put it in a bowl and added some whipped cream he might not notice if I took a scoop for myself as well). The ice cream, although still frozen was pretty soft. Uh oh. Over the next few days, we kept checking on the freezer. While everything stayed frozen, some … Continue reading

Cleaning the Freezer

I’ve been thinning the house out again. It’s a sickness, this purging thing I have going on. I can’t stand to own things that are not living up to their full potential. This time, it’s my freezer. I bought the freezer when Hailey was still living at home thinking it would be great extra food storage. Turns out that all we ever kept in there was frozen pizzas and pie crust. Not the most efficient use of the space, or the money spent on the freezer. Now that Hailey is married and in a place of her own, the freezer … Continue reading

Taking Inventory Of The Freezer

This weekend I cleaned out the refrigerator, nothing earth shattering about that except that it was way over due. Once I was finished with the fridge I moved on to the freezer. There was a lot of unidentifiable stuff in there that I had to throw out. As I was cleaning out the freezer I thought about all the money I’m throwing away because I never know what I have. I go to the grocery store, fill the fridge and the freezer, the overflow goes into the freezer in the basement where I promptly forget about it. I find myself … Continue reading

What Food Can You Freeze?

Freezer cooking can definitely save money and time in your household, but do you know which food freezes well? Understanding what you can freeze and what you can’t will help you avoid loss of food. Plus, if you know that something will freeze well, you can then stock up on that item or the ingredients to make it, saving even more money. Here is a list of food stuff that can go in your freezer and be enjoyed later. Baked goods, such as muffins, cakes, brownies, cookies, rolls, bread, buns, pie crust and pizza crust. For best results, frost cakes … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking without Effort

Today my freezer is somewhat stocked with meals that are ready to go. This really comes in handy on those nights when you just don’t feel like making dinner or the times when you want to save money and reduce your budget. Forget the elaborate all day plans that keep you in the kitchen morning until night cooking away. There is a reason that these methods encourage you to do it with a friend. It is a lot of work! While there may be a time and a place to do these massive freezer cooking sessions, I find that our … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking for the Lunch Box

Yesterday, I shared some general ideas for saving money on school lunches. To take it to the next step, let’s talk about preparing lunches ahead of time and freezing them. Not only will this make preparing school lunches so convenient, but it will also make them even cheaper. You can use items that are on sale or inexpensive and take advantage of low prices. Plus, you can create these lunches from scratch, making the cost per lunch go way down. Here are some of my favorite freezer cooking ideas for the school (or work) lunch box. Homemade hot pockets These … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: Chicken Marinade

Freezer cooking is a great way to save time during the upcoming holidays. Having a bunch of meals that are mostly or even fully prepared can mean the difference between having great meals during the busy season and relying on bad take out or cold sandwiches. Imagine spending the weekend shopping, cleaning, decorating and then just opening your freezer and popping a dish in the oven? Get yourself a package of six chicken breasts, divide them up into two meals, add your marinade and freeze away. Then when it comes to a busy day, just take the chicken out of … Continue reading